Rising Strong:
From Exhaustion to Empowerment
Empowering Moms of Children Living with Autism
Are You Struggling with Exhaustion and Hopelessness From Coping with Meltdowns?
Parenting a child with autism demands resilience, patience, and unwavering strength. You’re the anchor that keeps your family grounded during the stormiest of times. But after your autistic child has a major meltdown, you’re probably feeling exhausted and hopeless.
Do you wonder how you’re going to have the strength to keep supporting your child living with autism??
Do you feel hopeless about how to meet the needs of your other children?
Are you feeling worried and wondering how much stress your relationship can handle without breaking?
Do you feel disconnected from the things that once brought you joy?
If you feel this way, you’re not alone. I’ve been where you are, and I’ve discovered a way to overcome these challenges.
My Journey, Your Solution
My name is Sharon Hart, and I know how it feels to be caught between an overwhelming sense of dedication to your special child and the intense exhaustion that follows meltdowns.
I remember watching my precious toddler when he was asleep. He had the same angelic-like face that all little children have. But when he was awake it was obvious that he couldn’t speak or play like other children. His nervous system didn’t interpret the world in the same way that most children do. He was caught in a prison of strange neurological perceptions where he couldn’t comprehend or interact in an effective way with the world around him.
At that time, every single moment of my life was about “saving Jaison.” My life had become completely consumed by wanting Jaison to be one of the children who seemed to “recover” from autism.
Nothing else mattered, my mind spun out of control, my heart ached, and in the effort to save him, my own life faded away. The “Sharon” that I had been before autism arrived in my life
Something shifted when he turned 5 years old. It happened when I started to accept that he still wasn’t talking.
I made an internal shift. I discovered a powerful truth that ignited a strength I never knew I had. Even more importantly, I found a deep inner peace that can stand up to the most intense meltdowns my child goes through. After this shift, my life became easier, and my relationship with my child transformed.
Your Path to Empowerment
My coaching program, “Rising Strong: From Exhaustion to Empowerment”, is designed exclusively for mothers like you. I will show you how to give your life new vibrancy and work with your child in new ways that directly address handling meltdowns.
Let me assure you, happiness is not beyond your reach. Progress for your child or adult is still possible, but it’s going to take a paradigm shift. When life with autism gets hard, you have a choice. You can either give up and let the situation diminish you or you can rise up and let the situation bring out the best in you.
Join the Journey
I believe in your resilience, your strength, and your capacity to rise above the challenges of autism. If what I’ve shared with you resonates and you’re ready to move from exhaustion to empowerment, join me on this transformative journey.
Special Offer: Enroll in the 10-Month Program
Ready to take the next step? Enroll in the “Rising Strong: From Exhaustion to Empowerment” 10-month program today and experience a comprehensive journey that empowers you to transform your life and your child’s life.
Overview of the Curriculum:
These modules will guide you through a journey of self-discovery, self-care, and empowerment, offering insights and practical tools to navigate the unique challenges of being a mother of a child with autism.
It’s an extensive curriculum, so I will provide a sampling of topics we will cover.
Some modules are focused on YOU and your family, and they aim to provide you with valuable skills and perspectives that will support your well-being.
Compassion for Yourself – Self-Care Without Guilt
Embracing Vulnerability: Opening Up About Your Feelings
Overcoming Self-Doubt: Recognizing Your Worth as a Mother
The Growth Mindset: How Your Perspective Shapes Your Experiences
Setting Boundaries: Balancing Care Giving with Personal Space
Other modules are focused on YOUR CHILD and your ability to provide the best care for your child who is living with autism including specific information related to your child’s special needs.
The Autistic Experience – Gaining Insight into Inner Worlds
Internal Sensory Overload: Challenges with Emotional Balance
A Cry for Help: The Impact of Defense Mode
Defense Mode – Help Processing Sensory Overload
Empowering Communication – Unlocking Your Child’s Voice
And then there are bonus sessions that pertain to specific issues you might be facing.
Sibling Harmony – Navigating Siblings’ Relationships
Your Marriage Matters – Navigating the Challenges of Autism Together
Advocacy and Empowerment – Standing Up in Educational Settings
Still have Question?
Discover how to embrace your life with renewed vigor, empower your child to reach their potential, and find happiness despite the challenges. Click the link here to learn more and schedule a conversation about implementing this paradigm shift into your life.
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